Principal Investigator

楊明仁 博士

Dr. Ming-Jen Yang

國立臺灣大學大氣科學系暨研究所 教授

Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University



10617 臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 大氣科學系 B203室

Prof. Yang works on weather systems of squall lines, mesoscale convective systems, heavy rainfall storms, frontal rainbands, typhoon spiral rainbands, and topographically generated weather phenomina . His research interests involve simulating and analyzing a variety of severe convective systems; examining the meso-gamma scale (2-20 km) and meso-beta scale (20-200 km) structures of storms; investigating the evolution and mechanism(s) whereby they develop; testing theories, hypotheses and various model physical representations; and finally interpreting, to the extent possible, the observed behaviors of these rainfall systems. His research interests also include the improvement of cloud-process (microphysics and cumulus parameterization) representations in meso- and convective-scale numerical models, and the further understanding of convection and precipitation phenomenia.



1995 美國華盛頓大學大氣科學博士

Ph.D., University of Washington

1986 國立臺灣大學大氣科學學士

B.S., National Taiwan University


Current Research Interests


Mesoscale Meteorology and Modeling


Cloud Physics and Dynamics


Convective and Hydrological Processes


Professional Employment

2014/08─ 臺灣大學大氣科學系暨研究所教授

Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

2014/01─2014/04 美國華盛頓大學訪問學者

Visiting Scientist, University of Washington, USA

2012/08─2014/07 中央大學大氣科學系暨水文科學研究所教授

Professor, National Central University, Taiwan

2008/02─2012/07 中央大學大氣科學系暨水文科學研究所副教授

Associate Professor, National Central University, Taiwan

2006/09─2006/12 美國馬里蘭大學訪問學者

Visiting Scientist, University of Maryland, USA

2005/08─2008/01 中央大學水文科學研究所副教授

Associate Professor, National Central University, Taiwan

2002/08─2005/07 中央大學水文科學研究所助理教授

Assistant Professor, National Central University, Taiwan

1999/08─2002/07 文化大學大氣系助理教授

Assistant Professor, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan

1996/09─1999/06 中央氣象局科技中心副研究員

Associate Scientist, Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan

1995/08─1996/09 美國華盛頓大學博士後研究員

postdoctoral fellow, University of Washington, USA



2017 臺灣大學免辦評鑑教師

Professor Exempted from Review by National Taiwan University

2014 中央大學102學年度研究傑出獎

Outstanding Research Award of the National Central University

2013 中央大學101學年度研究傑出獎

Outstanding Research Award of the National Central University

2013 美國氣象學會大氣科學期刊編輯獎

Editor's Award for the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (AMS)

2012 中央大學100學年度研究傑出獎

Outstanding Research Award of the National Central University

2009 獲選列入美國馬奎斯世界名人錄

Marquis Who's Who in the World, 26th Edition, 2009

2008 中央大學地科院96學年度教學優良教師獎

Best Teacher Award of the National Central University

2008 獲選列入美國馬奎斯科學與工程世界名人錄

Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 10th Edition

2007 中央大學96學年度研究傑出獎

Outstanding Research Award of the National Central University

2006 中央大學95學年度研究傑出獎

Outstanding Research Award of the National Central University

2000 中華民國氣象學會黃廈千博士學術論文獎

Dr. Sha-Chang Huang Publication Award of the ROC (Taiwan) Meteorological Society

2000 文化大學88學年度研究論文獎

Publication Award of the Chinese Culture University

2000 國科會甲種研究獎勵

Research Award of the National Science Council in Taiwan

1998 國科會甲種研究獎勵

Research Award of the National Science Council in Taiwan

1997 國科會甲種研究獎勵

Research Award of the National Science Council in Taiwan

1993 NCAR/ASP Fellowship for Summer Colloquium on Clouds and Climate

1989 教育部公費留學考試及格



2007─ 美國地球科學學會會員

Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)

1998─ 中華民國地球科學學會會員

Member of the Chinese (Taiwan) Geoscience Union

1997─ 中華民國氣象學會會員

Member of the ROC (Taiwan) Meteorological Society

1990─ 美國氣象學會會員

Member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS)



2024/5-2024/7 113年度公務人員高等/普通考試命題、閱卷及典試委員

Committee Member and Chair for Government Employee Examination

2019/6- 臺灣大學招生考試闈場闈長

Chairman of NTU Entrance Examination Committee

2019/5-7 108年度公務人員高等考試命題及閱卷委員

Committee Member for Government Employee Examination

2018/1-2020/12 臺灣大學理學院大氣資源與災害研究中心主任

Director of the Center for Atmospheric Resource and Disaster Studies (CARDS)

2017/5-7 106年度公務人員普通考試命題及閱卷委員

Examination Committee Member for Government Employee

2017/3- 「Journal of Meteorological Research」期刊編輯

Editor of Journal of Meteorological Research

2016/1-2017/12 105年度科技部自然及永續司永續學門複審委員

Panel committee, Disaster Prevention Div. of Natural Sciences (MOST)

2015/5-2017/4 中華民國氣象學會學術委員會主任委員

2015/5-7 104年度公務人員普通考試命題及閱卷委員

Examination Committee Member for Government Employee


2014/8-2020/7 「Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences」(TAO)期刊編輯(大氣部分)

Editor of the TAO journal

2012/5-7 101年度公務人員高等考試三級暨普通考試命題及閱卷委員

Examination Committee Member for Government Employee

2012/1-2013/12 美國氣象學會「Weather and Forecasting」期刊副編輯

Associate Editor of the Weather and Forecasting Journal (AMS)

2010/8-2011/7 「Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences」(TAO)期刊莫拉克颱風專刊執行主編

2010/1-2012/12 國科會自然處大氣科學學門審議委員

Panel committee, Atmos. Sci. Div. of Natural Sciences of National Science Council

2009- 美國NSF Proposal審查委員

Reviewer for NSF Proposal (USA)

2008/8-2014/7 「Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences」(TAO)期刊副編輯(大氣部分)

Associate Editor of the TAO journal

2007/4-2014/7 太空中心GPS-ARC執行委員會委員

Executive Committee Member for NSPO GPS-ARC

2005/8,12 自然科學博物館科普演講講師

Public Science Lecturer, Natural Science Museum

2005/8 美國紐約州「New York Sea Grant」Proposal審查委員

Reviewer for New York Sea Grant Proposal, New York State, USA

2005/2-8 公務人員高等暨普通考試命題委員

Examination Committee Member for Government Employee

2003/3-12 中央氣象局顧問

Consultant for Central Weather Bureau

1995/8- 期刊審查委員

Reviewer for Papers Submitted to:

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Monthly Weather Review
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere
Geophysical Research Letter
Journal of Applied Meteorology
Weather and Forecasting
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Research
Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences
Advance in Atmospheric Sciences


Invited Seminars


Taiwan-Area Heavy rain Observation and Prediction Experiment (TAHOPE): Overview and Research Results

Chinese Culture University, 2024/11/28
Howard University, WashingtonDC, 2024/12/09

Taiwan-Area Heavy rain Observation and Prediction Experiment (TAHOPE): Overview and preliminary results

National Taiwan University, 2023/11/21

Cell merger, Cold pool, and mid-level dry air of the afternoon thunderstorms at Taipei on 14 June 2015

University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2021/01/20

Science Plan for Taiwan-Area Heavy rain Observation and Prediction Experiment (TAHOPE)

Colorado State University at Fort Collins, 2020/03/02
Chinese Culture University, 2020/10/08
Central Weather Bureau, 2020/10/13

A modeling study of the severe afternoon thunderstorm event at Taipei on 14 June 2015: The roles of sea breeze, microphysics, and terrain

SUNY at Albany, 2019/01/14

Water Budget and Precipitation Efficiency of Typhoon Morakot (2009)

National Central University, 2018/09/18


A 0.5-kilometer Modeling Study of the Severe Thunderstorm Event with Urban Flooding at Taipei on 14 June 2015

Central Weather Bureau, 2018/07/19

「Heavy Rainfall and Precipitation Efficiency of Landfalling Typhoons on Taiwan」

National Taiwan University, 2018/05/11 (臺灣大學地質系)

Bottom-up Eyewall Reconstruction of Typhoon Fanapi (2010) after Encountering the Taiwan Terrain

APEC Typhoon Symposium, Taipei, 2017/05/02


National Taiwan University, 2015/10/16 (104年度全國地球科學教師研習營)

The Impacts of Water Budget and Precipitation Efficiency by Terrain: Simulation Results for Typhoon Morakot (2009) and Squall-Line MCS

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2014/12/19

Water Budget and Precipitation Efficiency of Typhoon Morakot (2009)

University of Washington, 2014/01/31


Chinese Culture University, 2013/03/09 (2013年地球科學系統學術論壇)

Water Budgets and Precipitation Efficiencies of Tropical Cyclones: Results from Typhoons Nari (2001) and Morakot (2009)

APEC Typhoon Symposium, 2012/06/05

What have we learned from Typhoon Nari (2001)?

Chinese Culture University, 2012/03/29
UCLA, 2012/04/11
UC Irvine, 2012/04/13

Potential Vorticity Budget of Typhoon Nari (2001) at Landfall

Nanjing University, 2011/11/07
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, 2011/11/08
National Taiwan University, 2011/11/30

Water Budget of Tropical Cyclones

Nanjing University, 2011/07/15

Taiwan's Orographic Effects on Typhoons

National Taipei University of Technology, 2011/05/18
National Kaohsiung Normal University, 2012/06/01

「The Catastrophic Typhoon Morakot (2009) on Taiwan: Observational and Modeling Aspects」

NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, 2010/05/06

Terrain-Induced Asymmetric Structures of Typhoon Nari (2001)

National Taiwan University, 2009/10/06
NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, 2009/11/02

Kinematic, Precipitation, and Microphysics Structures of Typhoon Nari (2001)

Chinese Culture University, 2009/03/19
Central Weather Bureau, 2009/06/05

A Modeling Study of Typhoon Nari (2001) Part I: Topographic Effects

National Central University, 2008/03/25
Chinese Culture University, 2008/03/27
Nanjing University, 2008/07/04
Chung-Cheng Institute of Technology, 2008/11/21

A Modeling Study of Typhoon Nari (2001): Landfalling Characteristics

University of Washington, 2006/11/15
North Carolina State University, 2006/11/20
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, 2006/12/5
NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center, 2006/12/18

The Coupling of Meteorological and Hydrological Models and its Applications

China Meteorological Administration, 2006/07/27

The Current Status and Future Outlook of Quantitative Precipitation Forecast

Central Weather Bureau, 2005/12/21
China Meteorological Administration, 2006/07/24

The Hydrometeorological Issues Associated with Typhoon Nari (2001)

National Taiwan University, 2005/10/04
National Central University, 2005/11/08
Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2005/12/13

Precipitation Processes of the Landfalling Typhoon Nari (2001)

University of Washington, 2004/04/29

Ensemble Forecasting of Rainfall over the Taiwan Area during the 2000-2002 Mei-Yu Seasons

Central Weather Bureau, 2003/11/05
Civil Aviation Administration, 2003/11/26
Air Force Weather Center, 2004/12/09

Numerical Simulation of Typhoon Nari (2001)

National Central University, 2003/10/07
Chung-Hsing University, 2003/10/29

Rainfall Forecast of Cumulus Parameterization Schemes in the Taiwan Area

Chung-Yuan University, 2003/05/01