Journal Articles




67. Li, S.-E., M.-J. Yang*, and H.-C. Kuo, 2024: Maintenance Mechanisms of the Long-lived Concentric Eyewall Structure of Typhoon Lekima (2019): Axisymmetric Perspective. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,submitted. (SCI)

(MOST 108-2111-M-002-011-MY2)

Cited: --
IF: --

66. 黃詣軒、楊明仁*,2024:快速增強與緩慢增強颱風的雲微物理特徵與降雨類型之比較研究。大氣科學52,26-62。

Cited: --
IF: --

65. Fang, W.-T., P.-L. Chang*, and M.-J. Yang, 2024: An Observational Study of Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Chanthu (2021) near the Complex Terrain of Taiwan. Mon. Wea. Rev., 152, 769-791. (SCI)

(MOST 111-2111-M-002-014)
Cited: --
IF: --




64. 楊明仁,鄭明典,黃清勇,林沛練,林博雄,李清勝,王重傑,劉清煌,呂國臣,張保亮,黃椿喜,侯昭平,鍾高陞,張偉裕,林品芳,2023:臺灣區域豪雨觀測暨預報實驗(TAHOPE)簡介,中華民國氣象學會會刊64,50–67。

Cited: --
IF: --




63. Y.-T. Pan, and M.-J. Yang*, 2022: Asymmetric Structures of a Squall-Line MCS over Taiwan with Significant Hydraulic Jumps. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci. , 58, 415-433. (SCI)

Cited: 1
IF: 2.100

62. Lin, C.-H.*, M.-J. Yang, L,-F. Hsiao, and J.-H. Chen, 2022: The Impact of Scale-Aware Parameterization on the Next-Generation Global Prediction System in Taiwan for Front Predictions. Atmosphere, 13, 1063, published online on 4 July 2022.

Cited: 0
IF: 2.9

61. Miao, J.-E., and M.-J. Yang*, 2022: The Impacts of Midlevel Moisture on the Structure, Evolution, and Precipitation of Afternoon Thunderstorms: A Real-Case Modeling Study at Taipei on 14 June 2015. J. Atmos. Sci., 79, 1837–1857. (SCI)

(MOST 108-2111-M-002-011-MY2)
(MOST 108-2625-M-052-003)
(MOST 110-2111-M-002-014)
Cited: 0
IF: 3.1

60. Wu, Y.-C., M.-J. Yang*, and R.F. Rogers, 2022: Examining Terrain Effects on the Evolution of Precipitation and Vorticity of Typhoon Fanapi (2010) after Departing the Central Mountain Range on Taiwan. Mon. Wea. Rev., 150, 1517–1540. (SCI)

(MOST 108-2111-M-002-011-MY2)
(MOST 108-2625-M-052-003)
(MOST 110-2111-M-002-014)
Cited: 1
IF: 3.2

59. Tam, F. I.-H., M.-J. Yang*, and W.-C. Lee, 2022: Polarimetric Size Sorting Signatures in the Convective Regions of Mesoscale Convective Systems in PECAN: Implications on Kinematics, Thermodynamics, and Precipitation Pathways. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 127, e2021JD035822. (SCI)

(MOST 108-2111-M-002-011-MY2)
Cited: 0
IF: 4.4000

58. Su, S.-H., Y.-H. Chang, C.-H. Liu, W.-T. Chen*, W.-Y. Chang, J.-P. Chen, W.-N. Chen, K.-S. Chung, J.-P. Hou, M.-K. Hsieh, Y.-S. Jang, H.-C. Kuo, Y.-C. Lee, P.-L. Lin, P.-Y. Lin, P.-H. Lin, M.-H. Lo, S.-H. Wang, C.-M. Wu, J.-H. Yang, and M.-J. Yang, 2022: Observing Severe Precipitation near Complex Topography during the Yilan Experiment of Severe Rainfall in 2020 (YESR2020). Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 148, 1663-1682, doi: 10.1002/qj.4271. (SCI)

(MOST 108-2111-M-002-011-MY2)

Cited: 3
IF: 8.9




57. Wang, M., F. Ren*, Y. Xie, G. Li, M.-J. Yang, and T. Feng, 2021: Characteristics and Causes of Extreme Rainfall Induced by Binary Tropical Cyclones over China. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 311-320. (SCI)

Cited: 3
IF: 1.833




56. Sui, C.-H.*, P.-H. Lin, S. Jan, C.-Y. Liu, Y.-J. Yang, C.-H. Liu, W.-T. Chen, J.-M. Chen, M.-J. Yang, and J.-S. Hong, 2020: The South China Sea Two Islands Monsoon Experiment for Studying Convection and Subseasonal to Seasonal Variability. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 31, 103-129. (SCI)

Cited: 11
IF: 1.009

55. Wu, Y.-C., Yang, M.-J.*, and P.-H. Lin, 2020: Evolution of Water Budget and Precipitation Efficiency of Mesoscale Convective Systems over the South China Sea. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 31, 141-158. (SCI)

Cited: 4
IF: 1.009

54. Miao, J.-E., and M.-J. Yang*, 2020: A Modeling Study of the Severe Afternoon Thunderstorm Event at Taipei on 14 June 2015: The Roles of Sea Breeze, Microphysics, and Terrain. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 129-152. (SCI)

Cited: 11
IF: 1.976

53. Jia, Z., F. Ren, D. Zhang, C. Ding, M.-J. Yang, T. Feng, B. Chen, and H. Yang, 2020: An application of the LTP_DSEF model to heavy precipitation forecasts of landfalling tropical cyclones over China in 2018. Sci. China Earth Sci., 63, 27-36. (SCI)

Cited: 5
IF: 3.242




52. Chang, P.-L., W.-T. Fang*, P.-F. Lin, and M.-J. Yang, 2019: A vortex-based Doppler velocity dealiasing algorithm for tropical cyclones. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 36, 1521-1545. (SCI)

Cited: 3
IF: 1.952




51. 繆炯恩、楊明仁*,2018:2015年6月14日台北盆地劇烈午後雷暴個案研究:對流胞合併機制與強降雨過程探討,大氣科學46,427–453。

Cited: --
IF: --

50. 林昌鴻、楊明仁*、陳建河,2018:中央氣象局全球預報系統積雲參數法之改進與其對於2011年DYNAMO實驗期間MJO對流之模擬評估,大氣科學46,406–425。

Cited: --
IF: --

49. Yang, M.-J.*, Y.-C. Wu, and Y.-C. Liou, 2018: The study of inland eyewall reconstruction of Typhoon Fanapi (2010) using numerical experiments and vorticity budget analyses. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123, 9604–9623. (SCI)

Cited: 4
IF: 3.633




48. Qu, Y., B. Chen*, J. Ming*, B.H. Lynn, and M.-J. Yang, 2017: Aerosol Impacts on the Structure, Intensity, and Precipitation of the Landfalling Typhoon Saomai (2006). J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 11825–11842. (SCI)

Cited: 13
IF: 3.380

47. 張堯婷*、陳宏銘、吳致娟、楊明仁,2017:地科、化學與物理跨科合作之探究與實作課程規劃,科學教育月刊400,44-50。

Cited: --
IF: --

46. 戴志輝*、王尹懋、楊明仁、林博雄,2017:雲中閃電預警對流性降雨初探,大氣科學45,43-56。

Cited: --
IF: --

45. 吳曜竹、楊明仁,2017:藍天中似棉絮般的雲彩-雨旛,科學月刊48卷,230–231。

Cited: --
IF: --




44. 楊明仁,2016:颱風與氣候變遷,地科知識酷,翰林書局出版,10月份,1-8。

Cited: --
IF: --




43. Ching, L.*, C.-H. Sui, M.-J. Yang, and P.-L. Lin, 2015: A Modeling Study on the Effects of MJO and Equatorial Rossby Waves on Tropical Cyclone Genesis over the Western North Pacific in June 2004. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 72, 70-87. (SCI)

Cited: 6
IF: 1.439

42. 魏士偉、楊明仁*,2015:臺灣地區極端降雨颱風之環境特徵與渦漩尺度特徵合成分析研究,大氣科學43,233-264。

Cited: --
IF: --

41. Chen, Y.-C.*, M.-E. Hsieh, L.-F. Hsiao, Y.-H. Kuo, M.-J. Yang, C.-Y. Huang, and C.-S. Lee, 2015: Systematic Evaluation of the Impacts of GPSRO Data on the Prediction of Typhoons over the Northwestern Pacific in 2008-2010. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 2531–2542. (SCI)

Cited: 25
IF: 2.989




40. 葉天降*、李清勝、楊明仁、張保亮、簡國基、洪景山、鳳雷、陳建河,2014:颱風路徑與侵臺風雨預報技術改進2012年研究成果果,氣象學報51,1–24。

Cited: --
IF: --

39. Huang, H.-L., M.-J. Yang*, and C.-H. Sui, 2014: Water Budget and Precipitation Efficiency of Typhoon Morakot (2009). J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 112-129. (SCI)

Cited: 41
IF: 3.143




38. 葉天降*、李清勝、楊明仁、何台華、馮欽賜、洪景山、鳳雷、張保亮,2013:颱風路徑與侵臺颱風伴隨風雨預報技術之發展研究成果,氣象學報50,59–85。

Cited: --
IF: --

37. Hsiao, L.-F.*, M.-J. Yang, C.-S. Lee, H.-C. Kuo, D.-S. Shih, C.-C. Tsai, C.-J. Wang, L.-Y. Chang, D. Y.-C. Chen, L. Feng, J.-S. Hong, C.-T. Fong, D.-S. Chen, T.-C. Yeh, C.-Y. Huang, W.-D. Guo, and G.-F. Lin, 2013: Ensemble Forecasting of Typhoon Rainfall and Floods over a Mountainous Watershed in Taiwan. J. Hydrol., 506, 55-68. (SCI)

Cited: 74
IF: 2.693

36. Lee, C.-S., H.-Y. Ho, K.-T. Lee*, Y.-C. Wang, W.-D. Kuo, Y.-C. Chen, L.-F. Hsiao, C.-H. Chen, C.-C. Chiang, M.-J. Yang, and H.-C. Kuo, 2013: Assessment of Sewer Flooding Model based on Ensemble Quantitative Precipitation Forecast. J. Hydrol., 506, 101-113. (SCI)

Cited: 27
IF: 2.693




35. 林柏旭、楊明仁*,2012:納莉(2001)颱風之位渦收支,大氣科學40,1–27。

Cited: --
IF: --

34. Tang, X.-D.*, M.-J. Yang, and Z.-M. Tan, 2012: A Modeling Study of Orographic Convection and Mountain Waves in the Landfalling Typhoon Nari (2001). Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 138, 419–438. (SCI)

Cited: 12
IF: 3.327




33. Zhang, D.-L.*, L. Tian, and M.-J. Yang, 2011: Genesis of Typhoon Nari (2001) from a Mesoscale Convective System. J. Geophys. Res., 116, D23104. (SCI)

Cited: 11
IF: 3.021

32. Yang, M.-J.*, T.-C. Chen Wang, Y. Zhang, and C.-Y. Weng, 2011: Momentum Budget Evolution of Typhoon Nari (2001) During the Landfall Process. Terr., Atmos., and Oceanic Sci., 22, 595-612. (SCI)

Cited: 2
IF: 0.883

31. Tao, W.-K*, J. J. Shi, P.-L. Lin, J. Chen, S. Lang, M.-Y. Chang, M.-J. Yang, C.-H. Sui, C. Wu, and C. Peters-Lidard, 2011: High-Resolution Numerical Simulation of the Extreme Rainfall Associated with Typhoon Morakot. Part I: Comparing the Impact of Microphysics and PBL Parameterizations with Observations. Terr., Atmos., and Oceanic Sci., 22, 673-696. (SCI)

Cited: 39
IF: 0.883

30. Yang, M.-J.*, S.A. Braun, and D.-S. Chen, 2011: Water Budget of Typhoon Nari (2001). Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 3809-3828. (SCI)

Cited: 51
IF: 2.688

29. Wu, C.-C., and M.-J. Yang, 2011: Preface to the Special Issue on Typhoon Morakot (2009). Terr., Atmos., and Oceanic Sci., 22, I. (SCI)

Cited: 8
IF: 0.883

28. Yang, M.-J.*, D.-L. Zhang, X.-D. Tang, and Y. Zhang, 2011: A Modeling Study of Typhoon Nari (2001) at Landfall: 2. Structural Changes and Terrain-Induced Asymmetries. J. Geophys. Res., 116, D09112. (SCI)

Cited: 18
IF: 3.021

27. 葉天降*、李清勝、楊明仁、馮欽賜、張保亮、何台華,2011:颱風路徑與侵台颱風伴隨風雨預報技術之發展研究2009年成果,氣象學報48,43-58.

Cited: --
IF: --




26. Ching, L.*, C.-H. Sui, and M.-J. Yang, 2010: An Analysis of the Multiscale Nature of Tropical Cyclone Activities in June 2004: Climate Background. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D24108. (SCI)

Cited: 12
IF: 3.303

25. 吳俊傑*、黃清勇、楊明仁、簡芳菁、洪景山、顏自雄,2010:颱風數值模擬之現況與挑戰—2009年莫拉克颱,大氣科學38,99–134。

Cited: --
IF: --

24. Huang, C.-Y.*, Y.-H. Kuo, S.-Y. Chen, C.-T. Terng, F.-C. Chien, P.-L. Lin, M.-T. Kueh, S.-H. Chen, M.-J. Yang. C.-J. Wang, and A.S.K.A.V. Prasad Rao, 2010: Impact of GPS Radio Occultation Data Assimilation on Regional Weather Predictions. GPS Solut., 14, 35-49. (SCI)

Cited: 33
IF: 1.483




23. Yang, M.-J.*, D.-L. Zhang, and H.-L. Huang, 2008: A Modeling Study of Typhoon Nari (2001) at Landfall. Part I: Topographic Effects. J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 3095-3115. (SCI)

Cited: 66
IF: 2.989

22. Sui, C.-H.*, X. Li, K.-M. Lau, W.-K. Tao, M.-D. Chou, and M.-J. Yang, 2008: Convective-Radiative-Mixing Processes in the Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere. Recent Progress in Atmospheric Sciences: Applications to the Asia-Pacific Region. World Scientific, 66-88.

Cited: --
IF: --




21. Sui, C.-H.*, X. Li,and M.-J. Yang, 2007: On the Definition of Precipitation Efficiency. J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 4506-4513. (SCI)

Cited: 93
IF: 2.755




20. Sui, C.-H.*, X. Li, M.-J. Yang, and H.-L. Huang, 2005: Estimation of Oceanic Precipitation Efficiency in Cloud Models. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 4358-4370. (SCI)

Cited: 82
IF: 2.078

19. Li, M.-H.*, M.-J. Yang, R. Soong, and H.-L. Huang, 2005: Simulating Typhoon Floods with Gauge Data and Mesoscale-Modeled Rainfall in a Mountainous Watershed. J. Hydrometeorol., 6, 306-323. (SCI)

Cited: 23
IF: 2.382

18. Yang, M.-J.*, and L. Ching, 2005: A Modeling Study of Typhoon Toraji (2001): Physical Parameterization Sensitivity and Topographic Effect. Terr., Atmos., and Oceanic Sci., 16, 177-213. (SCI)





17. 青麟*和楊明仁,2004:桃芝(2001)颱風之數值模擬,氣象預報與分析180,35-44. (SCI)

Cited: --
IF: --

16. 黃小玲*和楊明仁,2004:納莉(2001)颱風數值模擬研究之初步分析,氣象預報與分析180,1-12. (SCI)

Cited: --
IF: --

15. Yang, M.-J.*, Ben J.-D. Jou, S.-C. Wang, J.-S. Hong, P.-L. Lin, J.-H. Teng, and H.-C. Lin, 2004: Ensemble Prediction of Rainfall during the 2000-2002 Mei-Yu Seasons: Evaluation over the Taiwan Area. J. Geophys. Res., 109, D18203. (SCI)

Cited: 12
IF: 2.839




14. Yang, M.-J.*, and Q.-C. Tung, 2003: Evaluation of Rainfall Forecasts over Taiwan by Four Cumulus Parameterization Schemes. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 81, 1163-1183. (SCI)

Cited: 38
IF: 1.243

13. 簡芳菁*、蕭育琪、周仲島、林沛練、楊明仁、洪景山、鄧仁星、林慧娟,2003:MM5系集降水預報之校驗,大氣科學31,77-93。

Cited: --
IF: --




12. Colle, B.A.*, B.F. Smull, and M.-J. Yang, 2002: Numerical Simulations of a Landfalling Cold Front Observed during COAST: Rapid Evolution and Responsible Mechanisms. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 1945-1966. (SCI)

Cited: 19
IF: 1.886

11. Chien, F.-C.*, Y.-H. Kuo, and M.-J. Yang, 2002: Precipitation Forecast of MM5 in the Taiwan Area during the 1998 Mei-yu Season. Wea. Forecasting, 17, 39-754. (SCI)

Cited: 36
IF: 0.782




10. 張乃斌*,周榮華,楊宏宇,宋偉國,楊明仁,黃金益,于蓓,2001: 核能電廠緊急事故大氣擴張及劑量評估決策支援系統之建立,台電工程月刊640,80-109。

Cited: --
IF: --

9. 黃小玲*和楊明仁,2001: 對流系統受環境風場垂直風切影響之理想化數值模擬研究,華岡理科學報18,79-98。

Cited: --
IF: --




8. Yang, M.-J.*, F.-C. Chien, and M.-D. Cheng, 2000: Precipitation Parameterization in a Simulated Mei-Yu Front. Terr., Atmos., and Oceanic Sci., 11, 393-422. (SCI)

Cited: 18
IF: 0.420




7. 馮欽賜*和楊明仁,1999: 紫外線指數的分析與預報,氣象學報43,11-26。

Cited: --
IF: --




6. Bond, N.A.*, C.F. Mass, B.F. Smull, R.A. Houze, M.-J. Yang, B.A. Colle, S.A. Braun, M.A. Shapiro, B.R. Colman, P.J. Nieman, J.E. Overland, W.D. Neff, and J.D. Doyle, 1997: The Coastal Observation and Simulation with Topography (COAST) Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 78, 1941-1955. (SCI)

Cited: 43
IF: 6.123




5. Yang, M.-J.*, and R.A. Houze, Jr., 1996: Momentum Budget of a Squall Line with Trailing Stratiform Precipitation: Calculations with a High-Resolution Numerical Model. J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 3629-3652. (SCI)

Cited: 20
IF: 2.911

4. Braun, S.A.*, R.A. Houze, Jr., and M.-J. Yang, 1996: Comments on “The Impact of the Ice Phase and Radiation on a Midlatitude Squall Line System” J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 1343-1351. (SCI)

Cited: 6
IF: 2.911




3. Yang, M.-J.*, and R.A. Houze, Jr., 1995b: Sensitivity of Squall-Line Rear Inflow to Ice Microphysics and Environmental Humidity. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 3175-3193. (SCI)

Cited: 68
IF: 2.238

2. Yang, M.-J.*, and R.A. Houze, Jr., 1995a: Multicell Squall-Line Structure as a Manifestation of Vertically Trapped Gravity Waves. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 641-661. (SCI)

Cited: 71
IF: 2.238




1. Durran, D.R.*, M.-J. Yang, D.N. Slinn, and R.G. Brown, 1993: Durran, D.R., M.-J. Yang, D.N. Slinn, and R.G. Brown, 1993: Toward More Accurate Wave-Permeable Boundary Conditions. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 604-620. (SCI)

Cited: 33
IF: 2.238